Along with several new little fascinator hats featuring a variety of flora and fauna- I've been engulfed by a sea of neckties. Seriously. I got a 40lb bag of them in the mail just this morning and promptly ripped the bag open and poured them on the floor. Knee- deep!!!

There are always a few throw-aways--- ones that I can't save due to stains, being worn out or tied in knots so tight I can't get them out and the tie is ruined-- but there are also hundreds of beauties. And I've been putting them to good use in a couple of new designs.
Vagabond is a style I first made this past winter. It's a mixture of ties stitched into pleasing patterns in a fun hat. There are three in the shop currently. Here's my favorite.

Clancy debuted this past weekend to several rave reviews. Clancy is a glasses/sunglasses case utilizing strictly polyester ties from the 60s and 70s. Fun stuff! Lots more of those coming soon.

Prudence came into being late last night/early this morning and is now available in the shop. Pru features two neckties handstitched into a necklace/collar designs and decorated with vintage buttons. Lots more designs colors and patterns are coming soon.

I just really like the "necklace" ones... They are so neat!!! You have the greatest ideas.... I would sit and stare at that pile for months and never come up with these neat products!!!!! Great job girl!!!
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