It's timeless, interesting and kitchy- three of my favorite characteristics in a movie...
Last week, an Etsy customer of mine, Leisha, requested a Birds headband to wear for her brother's upcoming Halloween wedding. I promptly agreed, thinking I'd make an extra for myself. I ordered the crows, made Leisha's band and sent it off to her.
With the extra few crows I made a couple of different styles and decided that instead of keeping them- I have a bad tendency to want to keep all my creations- I'd list them on Etsy.
Little did I know that I'd soon have a full-on RUN on these things.
I literally have answered questions and edited listings for these things (which are in 3 sizes in the shop by the way if you feel the need to get in on the run) every 5 minutes since Friday!
The whole idea is a little for the birds if you ask me... but people seem to like it.
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