I just wanted to drop a quick note and update you as to what's happening with Buffalo Blue Designs this spring...
First, we now have select styles available at Paste Crafts (1009 Russell Blvd, St. Louis)- right now Katie is carrying my Dewitt and Mini Dewitt Vintage Necktie Headbands and we hope to increase the offerings in time. If you haven't been by Paste since they opened last summer, it's definitely worth the time. There are pieces from more than 60 artists available in the store as well as a wide variety of craft and arts supplies and classes. Check them out at http://www.pastecrafts.com (they also have a facebook page if you'd like to become a fan) --By the way, I'll be participating in The Soulard Market Park Arts and Crafts Fairs on three dates this summer with Paste- I'll let you know more closer to the dates.

Second, I was interviewed by the St. Louis Suburban Journals for a feature article on Easter Bonnets. It ran Tuesday 3/30/10 and I'll attach the link below- thanks to Kate Valleroy for putting me in touch with the Journals. (P.S. I still have some Easter Bonnet headbands as well as Fuzzy Chick headbands available for Easter in the Etsy shop-www.buffalobluedesign
Third, several of my specialty skeleton key & genuine stone necklaces are on sale in my @Etsy shop! I need to reduce some of the jewelry inventory I have, so if you see something you like, feel free to message me and we can negotiate :) http://bit.ly/a80NnX

Lastly, there will be several new things coming to the shop in the next couple of weeks- new styles of Dewitt and Mini Dewitt Necktie Headband, new styles of New Addiction Sequin Applique Stretch Headbands, MORE new jewelry, and some new Spring and Summer Styles suitable for weddings and casual times too. COMING SOON!
Thanks as always for your support- it's great to know you're there and even better to hear your thoughts!
Buffalo Blue Designs
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